Serial Experiments Lain
Serial Experiments Lain is a psychological horror anime that began airing in 1998. It follows 14 year old school girl Lain Iwakura as she discovers the Wired after receiving an email from a classmate who had recently committed suicide.
The Wired
The Wired, a social network where everyone is always connected.
Lain Iwakura
Lain is a character I really relate to. I like this video that talks about how she is autistic. It points out behaviors she has like being quiet, not understanding social norms. The way that once she became aquainted with the Wired, she became incredibly fixated with it. A lot of things that are pointed out about her in the video are things I am and think too. She has 3 friends, but only one real one. It's like how my friend group was. My Alice is the only one left.
The Nightmare of Fabrication
The Nightmare of Fabrication is a short manga story that takes place in the version of Serial Experiments Lain from the Playstation game. It is a universe in which Lain does not have anyone like Alice to keep her grounded.
Everyone is always connected
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