My thoughts
Hi, welcome to my thoughts. It's where I write down my thoughts about anything and everything because I like to tell people stuff even though maybe not everyone wants to listen.
Feel free to drop suggestions in whatever chat I have up. I also try to add as much as I think of.
My familly used to have a dream catcher. It first was hung up on the wall in my parents room. I was little and I didn't know what it was at first, it just looked like a decoration there. My parents told me it's a dream catcher and it catches nightmares.
From what I faintly remember, I probably had more than one nightmare so my parents put the dream catcher in my room. I think it really worked and I didn't have nightmares in the time it was placed in my room. I remembered about it and wondered if it actually worked, although it seems it does since it helped with the nightmares I had.
I wanted to add a picture of the one we had but I don't think we have it anymore, or if we do, it's stored away.
When I was about 16 years old, my parents said that once I'm 18 I have to get a job, and if I don't have a job or am not trying to go to school, than they'd kick me out. Ever since then, I felt no hope in living in the home I grew up in freely past 18. I really thought; once I turn 18, I'll be kicked out. I've been even planning it out, although in reality I haven't planned anything other than walking hours to someone else's house and hoping they let me live there instead.
I'm 19 and I still think ending up homeless is a possibility. At this point I've just accepted it. I really wish my parents never told me how willing they are to just kick me out because now I sometimes wish they just did it already so that I could get away from them or die and they wouldn't think of me as selfish.
Washing the dishes is one of the chores I have to do every weekday. It's one of the fastest to do since washing the dishes in general is fast enough. My hands are wet so I'm less likely to get distracted. I put my phone on the counter or in my pocket and depending on if there's people around or if I'm home alone, I either wear headphones or I blast music.
I remember when I was about 9 (Age may be wrong, terrible memory) and I had to wash the dishes. I did wash the dishes before but I just remember this one thing. I didn't wash a pot right because I was still messing up and I couldn't really remember when the only advice I got was shouted at me. I don't understand why they always feel the need to shout at me, I always forget when they do. I actually remember better when I don't get yelled at.
Anyway I had to do the dishes but later that day my name was called so I went over to the kitchen. My dad was showing me the pot and yelling at me that I didn't clean it good enough. He was yelling that I don't make the water hot enough but if I made the water any hotter, it hurt. He yelled at me saying that what will happen is that everyone will get food poisoning and die and it'll be my fault. I don't really remember but it was probably another one of those times that he made me cry and then yelled at me to stop crying or else I was going to be grounded so I was forced to hold it in until I got to my room and cried as quietly as possible so I don't get grounded.